Don't Consider Manufacturing & Office Work Seperately
In some of the guidance I have read, the Government appears to be considering them as two separate areas. Almost all manufacturing businesses have large offices on site for support functions that engage with customers, suppliers, each other and manufacturing teams. There is a benefit in them being able on site together and in them feeling like a single rather than divided team. Although most office staff have migrated to working from home, there are consequences being seen in team engagement, effectiveness. and management visibility. Most office staff are keen to return to the office.
Why the contribution is important
For manufacturers who can demonstrate adequate social distancing and employee protection measures within both the production and office areas, please give guidance that to support their effective return to the work place. Please avoid language along the lines that treat office workers in manufacturing businesses separately. Give companies the trust that they will do the right thing to protect their workers in all areas.
by IanW on May 06, 2020 at 11:42AM
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