Dont extend lock down as is

People are forgetting about the impact of the lockdown on Peoples mental health! some people are able to cope and some are not! Lockdown restrictions have to be reviewed considering the impact on all citizens, not just those people that feel safer at home. Some people can not manage being stuck in regardless if the reason is due to mental health/ domestic abuse/ or historic trauma/ free spirited...suicide has increased since lock down began, wheres the stats about that? Lockdown is not a benefit to those who have suicidal tendencies etc..!!!

Why the contribution is important

People matter.. all people, not just those that are frightened of covid 19, but also those in society that need to get out of their houses.

by Lyzzy33 on May 05, 2020 at 11:52PM

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  • Posted by lindyloo May 06, 2020 at 06:56

    Too right. Give us the facts and treat us like adults. Coronavirus is the only illness the government is thinking about at the moment. Everything else has gone out the window. Most of us that catch it will experience mild to no symptoms. Theres a large possibility you have had it and not even known about it. The lockdown will claim more lives than coronavirus itself. What is the point in saving lives when there is no quality of live. Coronavirus is with us. We wont get rid of it. If people want to lock themselves away until theres a vaccine fine. How long are they willing to do that. 3 months, 6 months, a year. Thats their choice. Let the rest of us get on with life, seeing family, back to work, getting a haircut and coffee with friends.
  • Posted by LindaMacd May 06, 2020 at 07:33

    I think it is very important to recognise the significant impact of lock down on people with pre-exiting mental health issues. Lock down and the loss of contact with support network, family and friends has a detrimental impact on people who live with chronic mental health conditions .

  • Posted by Rainbowbright May 06, 2020 at 08:00

    I am very concerned about the impact of lockdown with review on who people can meet. I am a healthcare worker and have been in touch with some of my patients by telephone to check in on them. Many of them with mental health problems are really struggling, depression and anxiety are heightened and lonlieness is having such a negative impact on them. For these people, many of whom live alone, it would be so helpful for them to be allowed to meet with a friend who also lives alone to be a support. If social bubbles are not possible at this stage why can this not be considered? Surely 2 people who live alone and are not going to work are not as high a risk in terms of virus transmission than a household with 2 parents going out to essential work and 2 teenagers who are also going to work in a supermarket for example. It makes no sense.
    I am extremely concerned about the mental well being of people as a result of this extended lockdown, extending and saying it will be reviewed in 3 weeks without any additional guidance is not fair. We cannot keep living like this. Suicide rates will rise.
    I am also concerned about the impact on young children who are close to their extended family and not allowed to see them, will this result in them reeling rejected and having an impact on their future mental health?
  • Posted by cus1903 May 06, 2020 at 08:14

    we need our families that's first step we have followed rules let us see family members in homes no real risk if we are following guidelines on hand washing and not at risk travelling there.
  • Posted by Caroline2121 May 06, 2020 at 08:19

    People's initial resolve is reducing over time some small ease of restrictions may show there is light at the end of the tunnel
  • Posted by MargaretR19 May 06, 2020 at 08:31

    Needs to be extended for all our sakes and for the economy until we have more reassurance via the health data. As FM says we can only move forward with coherent and more detailed plan
  • Posted by YMCA May 06, 2020 at 08:50

    Yip I agree. My neighbour needs to get back to work before she kills herself with the amount she is drinking every. She is also very anti social and the language that comes out her mouth is vile. I have a 3 year old son who has to listen to this day on day out.
  • Posted by lindamarshall May 06, 2020 at 09:01

    The prolonged lockdown is now having a profound negative impact on people's mental health.

    *Care home residents and hospital patients (in non-Covid wards) are not being able to receive visitors and are going into decline.
    *Young people are lacking in a daily structure with school being closed - we need a part-time school attendance model mixed with part-time online learning at home, implemented quickly. For example certain year-groups could attend on a certain day. Forget about closing the school and deep cleaning it, just practise distancing measures and general hygeine. The damage to schooling is going to be catastrophic if we do not get a part-time attendance at school soon.
    *Healthy people stuck in lock-down who could be working or spending money is a ridiculous sitution to prolong. Their mental health may be suffering and they could be contributing to the economy instead.
    *That's it - this second phase of the lock-down is far too long and you need to weigh up mental health and other health considerations that are being impacted by the fear of the Covid virus.
    *Doctors surgeries and hospitals are eerily quiet - let people attend appointments again and actively encourage this as, from people I have seen in my neighbourhood, they are all still to scared to ask for a doctor;s appointment.
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