Don't reinvent the wheel and set out a proper plan now

You ask how we affect better compliance going forward. We don't need the stating of the obvious ie 'there will be no flick of the switch' as we know that, we need a forward plan that turns us from victims into people who have some control over our future. Two papers have come out saying virtually nothing, very typical of corporate speak. Look to the Germans, Portuguese etc who have clear plans and guidance...they have done it for us! We don't need to show we are a 'global player's we just need to get on with it and learn from and copy others who are already global leaders. Please no more frameworks....don't waste your valuable time.

Take the best of the plans and guidance already produced by countries like Germany.

Use the UK app for tracking and isolating if ready first let's not play politics

Look forward and be more positive about what we can do

Make being able to visit family members a priority even if they live in England or elsewhere.

Like Trump, and I don't say that often, stop the daily update on deaths and replace with a focus on moving our country forward.

Stop using the phrase 'new normal' it is awful. We don't but it. We want to get back to the real whatever form evolves.

Why the contribution is important

It is working in other countries already eg Denmark which is a country Scottish Government often refers to. Schools been back for weeks, no surge.

If we are outward looking, now is the time to show that!

by Reno96 on May 06, 2020 at 09:49AM

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  • Posted by TonyFinn May 06, 2020 at 10:19

    Good points
  • Posted by Tomscore May 06, 2020 at 10:34

    The UK app is not ever going to be the silver bullet that some expect it to be. It is also in its very early trial stages.The app on its own will not take away the reponsibilty of individuals to behave responsibly.
    Many also have a deep suspicion of the security issues surrounding this particular app that the UK Gov is trialling.

    As far as being free to move around the UK to vists families, this is just going to snowball and social distancing would be the next thing to fall by the wayside.

    Again, their is a political slant to these ideas. If the basic idea was put forward without the politicking then i may have given a more positive response.
  • Posted by jriddell May 06, 2020 at 11:36

    Contact tracking apps are important but the NHS England app does not use best practice. It is not open source so we can not review it is best practice. It uses a centralised database creating a privacy infringement accessible to a government with a previous record of breaking the law in this area. They have said they will keep this data indefinitely which creates a long term risk of abuse. Rather than being reviewed by an independenct auditor it is being reviewed by GCHQ who have a remit to do mass surveilance.

    It would be better to share the source code with apps from other EU countries which use best practice security and privacy.
  • Posted by Katrina May 06, 2020 at 12:13

    Agree with all points. Please stop the adverts behind news rooms of the virus -it only creates Panic in people. Not useful.
  • Posted by Reno96 May 06, 2020 at 13:28

    Apologies if sounded political that was not my intention at all..politics holds little interest for me especially now. What does impress me is the ability of some Governments internationally to make real plans that enable us to move forward. Main point, let's not reinvest the wheel there are already solid plans out there. Like the Germans we need to have a plan to get on with it.
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