Doughnut economic model

We need an economy based on sustainability and meeting human needs, not constant unsustainable growth

Why the contribution is important

We have the opportunity to radically change how things are done and find better ways going forward. We knew coronavirus was coming months ago and did not do anything to prevent it, and have paid dearly. We have known climate change and climate catastrophe is coming for years, and yet we still do nothing about it, we need to learn from our mistakes and make big changes to avoid climate breakdown

by marcro on May 06, 2020 at 03:44PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.9
Based on: 16 votes


  • Posted by Corentin May 06, 2020 at 19:18

    I agree that we need to think beyond lockdown, as the virus will be among us for a long period of time, and life is unlikely to resume to normal. Ending the lockdown should be a first step on a path towards the society we want to build. For example, if the first step post lockdown is to encourage people to move around, they will rush into their cars and stay away from public transport. Or if we bend to airlines wishes and make the relaunch of airline travels a priority, we will miss an opportunity to create a new society. The government has to set a direction. The doughnut economy can provide an interesting way forward.
  • Posted by ScottBamford May 06, 2020 at 19:23

    I wish I could give this idea more than 5 stars.
  • Posted by jackieb May 11, 2020 at 16:12

    We can't return to how things were this gives us an opportunity to see what was good about our lives before but also to see what was wrong and to make changes. We must do tis to give our children and young people hope for the future.
  • Posted by caz May 11, 2020 at 20:54

    Totally agree, we need to look at the bigger picture of what would make a positive and more equal society for everyone, looking at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and committing to making moves towards this
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