Driving Instructors.

Let driving instructors back to work.. Easy to track and trace.

Why the contribution is important

Thousands of young and old awaiting lessons......easy to track and trace.
I would also ask why taxi drivers can work as they are in the same proximity as instructors.
Further more, when a taxi driver drops a customer off that customer disappears. With instructors it's easy to trace a customer.

by Alfronso on May 05, 2020 at 04:23PM

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  • Posted by passwithdeb May 06, 2020 at 14:26

    I agree with Alfronso, let us get back to work. We look after our 'closed environment' and our students. We can trace them, it's their choice if they are prepared to get back into the car with me. Do taxi drivers fully valet their cars after each 'stranger' gets out? (another contributor suggested we should fully disinfect and valet our car after each student)
    Test Examiners have continued to conduct tests for key workers throughout this pandemic and have taken precautions (PPE) while doing so, all we ask is that we provide the same service.
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