Early school break

Is it possible to bring forward the school summer break to 1st June with the aim of returning late July / early August?
This should not impact on the overall length of annual leave that teachers are entitled to.
Given that the majority of parents and children are following government advice to ‘stay at home’ at moment and cannot travel on holiday anywhere why not take an early break with the hope that the R rate is sufficiently low enough by end of July to allow an earlier phased return to school?

Why the contribution is important

This would mean that the all important face to face teaching could start earlier than currently planned.
Would also help with potential childcare issues over July and August when lockdown starts to be lifted and parents begin to return to work whilst children are still on their summer break,

by JSWill on May 11, 2020 at 05:13PM

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  • Posted by margarett May 11, 2020 at 17:35

    In theory this could work but being in lockdown is not a holiday, when would you suggest school staff have their holidays if things are only beginning to ease when schools go back, as we can’t take our holidays whenever we want
  • Posted by JSWill May 11, 2020 at 18:02

    I would not expect teachers to work during June. I appreciate your point about taking holidays at a later date but , given that parents are unlikely to take their children out of school to go on holiday after schools return, we would all effectively be in the same boat.
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