ease restrictions

not all parents will want to send children to school so open up an start the process 2 allow some 2 attend. not all areas have high cases. keep older generations and poorly in lockdown and allow younger and well out 2 build immunity. everyone's immune system is now weakened so it's not gonna just be corona that's a risk... cold.. flu. ... sickness bug... chicken pox .. measles... it's all out there. allow us 2 work and earn a full wage to reduce stress and anxiety...and allow us to use common sence .. and teach children 2 make sensible choices and not live in fear... following rules when common sence is safer. too many mixed messages and living in fear. we need 2 take steps forward.

Why the contribution is important

I'm a single working mum. I beyond love my job an my boys are my number 1 priority but listening 2 my 9 year old who says mum it's on every channel I don't want to watch telly... I hate not seeing my friends.. wot is the point getting up. As a mum this is soul destroying and ultimately I am teaching him to live in fear. I cannot afford 2 not work. my anxiety is through the roof. I appreciate and understand how severe the virus is but the NHS has always been stretched poorly people are always at risk. we need 2 adapt move forward. My 5 year old is scared of the police now incase they arrest him when hes walking or on his bike or sitting in the car whilst um in the supermarket. I know I'm not alone in this. Let's move forward

by townsley43 on May 06, 2020 at 08:51PM

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  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 07, 2020 at 02:20

    Don't agree! don't see that allowing them back to school makes any difference as there will be restrictions & rules there too that will make school totally different experience from before, your children are scared because you are scared, as a mum there are many things that happen in life & sometimes you will not be able to shield them from reality these are unprecedented times & like thousands of parents you just have to do your best, you say your children are young & less at risk but have you thought about the teachers & staff who would have to put themselves and their families at risk to look after your boys. Lets move forward when the time is right & deaths are few.
  • Posted by Indyref May 07, 2020 at 08:50

    Many of those who work in schools fall within the vulnerable category or live with someone who is vulnerable . Sending children back to school too early could result in schools not being able to staff classes or manage social distancing in schools, we could end up with a second spike in covid- 19.
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