Economic Impact

Working in the Hospitality Industry (Work-Cafe in Buildings) my concern is that Furlough will be stopped prior to a full return to work in Office Buildings. This clearly has an effect on our ability to operate until we reach previous levels.

Phase reduction of Furlough over a period of time would help ensure business's could slow get up and running and become sustainable again.

Why the contribution is important

The effect of failing to do this potentially a number of companies going out of business at the time they are just planning to get back to normal and to adjust to the new normal

by law0960 on May 07, 2020 at 04:16PM

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  • Posted by JoysieJ May 07, 2020 at 19:13

    Yes, it will take time for the hospitality industry to start to make money again. It could be disastrous for the companies and the employees who are relying on getting enough cash to pay their bills if furlough is stopped too soon.
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