Edited Idea For Protection
I’m currently a Private Hire Taxi Driver In Glasgow... During Covid19 can yous please explain to me how I’m meant to stay 2 meters away from my 4 passengers that I’m allowed to carry in my Taxi ??? We also have a customer base of elderly & disabled passengers who need assistance in and out of the Taxi so that means face to face Contact with passengers so Social Distancing IS IMPOSSIBLE... Other issues are when Coughing & Sneezing happens within the closed environment of the Taxi sometimes it can be prevented but sometimes it can’t be between Drivers & Passengers... Theres No Official Protection Within The Private’s To Prevent The Spread Of Covid19... Will The Government Provide Us With Advice Soon...?
Why the contribution is important
To Stop The Spread Of Covid19
by Glasgow2020 on May 08, 2020 at 09:32AM
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