
This is an opportunity to reframe and improve our education system.
- Pupils moving into P1 will not be disadvantaged if their delayed start is not until later in year. Much research shows that starting school at 6 is more beneficial
- the school years 2019-20/ 2020-21 should be rolled into 1 year.
Let children return and stay in current year group delay transition

Why the contribution is important

It is important for all to return to a safe and nurturing environment with staff they know well who can catch them up and prepare for next stage.
We need to get rid of the notion of having ‘lost’ a year. If everyone dies it we’ll Be in the same position. thus is not business as usual.

by PMorrison on May 11, 2020 at 01:58PM

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  • Posted by CTracey May 11, 2020 at 17:13

    This would be an excellent opportunity for us to raise school entry age to plus 5 to be more in line with Scandinavian countries. This in itself would also support raising attainment as children would have developed more robust social skills
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