Encourage cycling as a way to move around

Cycling could facilitate moving around cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh post lockdown. Some cities in France and Germany are already thinking of how to make cycling easier and more frequent as the main mode of transportation for more people. Encouraging cycling requires a clear incitation by local and national authorities that people who can cycle should use a bike to move around. Cars should be reserved for delivery and taxi services, among others. Public transport should be reserved for people who cannot cycle, or longer distance trips. This encouragement to cycling, which would be part of a wider plan for City transport post covid19, would be accompanied by more regular maintenance of cycling corridors in the city, the widening of cycle lanes in roads to prevent close contact between cyclists, and more cycling facilities in cities.

Why the contribution is important

Encouraging cycling does three important things. First it make roads less crowded and prevents a sudden increase in car rides, which may happen as people try to avoid public transport. Second, it frees space in public transport, which should be used in priority by people who cannot use a bike to move around. Third, it goes beyond lockdown and prepares cities to the world after, where the use of cars for intra city moves should be reserved to certain categories of people and needs. If a greener and more environmentally friendly Scotland is what we want post coronavirus, cycling should certainly be the starting point.

by Corentin on May 06, 2020 at 07:07PM

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  • Posted by Alimac35 May 06, 2020 at 23:03

    Govt should spend A LOT of money on establishing safe cycle routes everywhere. Health of nation will improve, pollution will decrease. A win win situation.
  • Posted by Debrastorr May 06, 2020 at 23:49

    Agree. And not just within cities but between settlements where public transport is sparse to non existent
  • Posted by zip May 07, 2020 at 00:51

    We need cycling-first road infrastructure. If a family with kids can’t make a cross-town journey safely, it’s not sufficient. Cycling needs to be the easiest, most stress-free default.

    The current bike lanes aren’t enough. They need physical separation from cars. Better than bike lanes is entire routes made of roads that are local-access only.
  • Posted by Hgrady May 07, 2020 at 05:40

    Agree with these comments and duggeo
  • Posted by JohnED May 11, 2020 at 17:31

    To encourage cycling as a way to move around needs real and meaningful investment in cycling . It also needs to be accompanied with a change to legislation to make it easier for local authorities to create a network of joined up cycling infrastructure.

    Similar sized cities with a climate like those in Scotland, such as Copenhagen and Utrecht, have seen a substantial move towards cycling as a means of transport. However this has only occurred because they have high quality joined up cycling infrastructure.
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