Enforce ban on cars parking on pavements

This should be banned (if it isnt already) and enforced. Regardless of Covid 19 this is an issue but more in the spotlight now as its forcing people to not be able to socially distance properly. If you dont have a garage or drive be prepared to park safely a few yards from home.
I often see parents with pushchairs forced onto the road to get past. Also clamp down on cyclists using pedestrian only footpaths

Why the contribution is important

Public safety (social distancing) and generally

by tonywatson1 on May 08, 2020 at 10:42AM

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  • Posted by RosDoc May 08, 2020 at 11:01

    Sadly this would make life very difficult for many people.
  • Posted by Pensionaccess May 08, 2020 at 11:07

    Agreed, not sure if it’s already illegal but should be, at all times.
    Vehicles are already given more space than pedestrians. Why should a wheelchair user not be able to get down the street because Mr Ignorant has parked his car on the pavement.
  • Posted by slimbofat May 08, 2020 at 11:42

    Agreed - apart from clamping down on cycling on footpaths. Cycling on roads can be dangerous and is not the best place for many of the people who have only just rediscovered cycling or younger children. Our current laws regarding bikes and infrastructure for active travel are no longer fit for purpose. Until these change, I see no issue with sensible bike riders (especially families with young children) using 'pedestrian only' footpaths.
  • Posted by KCTM May 08, 2020 at 12:42

    This could also be encouraged through public education campaigns.
  • Posted by Elkie May 08, 2020 at 13:27

    Get the footpaths free for pedestrians, and children on bicycles until the age of 12 to use.
  • Posted by NoIdeology May 08, 2020 at 13:56

    There are no circumstances in which car parking on pavements is justified, no matter how difficult it makes life for a few people. For all it is a matter of convenience rather than necessity. If a pedestrian steps on to the road to get around a vehicle parked on the pavement and is struck by another vehicle, quite apart from the risk of serious injury there might be an issue of prosecution and insurance claim against the transgressor.
  • Posted by JMF May 09, 2020 at 17:49

    Totally agree with Noldeology, there is absolutely NO reason cars should be parking on pavements, it is selfish and inconsiderate.
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