There must be more than an expectation of what the public should do with any changes. There must be a process to enforce where people flout the rules.

At present it is clear most people do NOT wear face covering on Public Transport. Simple solution if no face covering they don't get on the bus or train. No face covering you don't get into the shop.

Many people are already visiting other households as many people with Gardens can see their neighbours entertaining others especially at the weekend. What happens? Nothing.

The First Minister of the 5th of May said people should ask themselves If getting a Drive through Coffee is important or essential. Clearly it is not, so instead of urging people, go an close Costa Coffee drive throughs.

People said when the Smoking Ban came in that it couldn't be enforced. It is and people follow the rules as their was enforcement.

Yes enforcement could me misused by some but the majority would use a mechanism for reporting breaches sensibly. To give confidence to the vast majority of people who are following the rules there must be a strong mechanism where ENFORCEMENT is in place and robust enough to deal with those who are not following advice/rules.

Why the contribution is important

The Public would gain Confidence from enforcement.

by ScottK on May 05, 2020 at 05:17PM

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  • Posted by Mitsimand May 06, 2020 at 21:03

    I completely agree, there needs to be more done to enforce the lockdown rules. Too many people coming and going from others household's. I have also noticed an increase in people out and about the last few weeks as though nothing is going on. The police need to do more to make sure that people are sticking to the rules.
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