Ensure all key workers have ppe

Bus drivers, train drivers, and loads of other key workers are being forgotten but are still on the front line!

They need ppe too, some bus companies have told staff it’s not uniform and would be in breach to wear face masks!!!

Why the contribution is important

Safety, health, keyworkers

by ShellMc90 on May 08, 2020 at 07:43PM

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  • Posted by Evo29 May 08, 2020 at 20:51

    Its worrying how we still dont have enough PPE to do our job. When lock down eases and we are more in community then we are MORE at risk as it's not gone. People just think because government says go back out there we are safe!!
  • Posted by JustANumber May 10, 2020 at 10:57

    A train driver? for safety reasons they are isolated from the public anyway. Better long term solution is to automate trains (or have the equivalent of drone pilots) and dispence with the drivers, similar to be said of trams.
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