Ensure that workers have the right to facemaks and social distancing at work

Introduce fines for businesses that do not let workers wear facemasks or adhere to social distancing when we return to offices.

Why the contribution is important

If we are to return to work without vaccines or testing for the general population we cannot let managers decide whether to follow social distancing at work. Every worker should be allowed to have social distancing in place of business in office settings and should also be allowed to wear a mask if they wish. If this is not enforced dangerous practices such as hotdesking and big open offices with lots of people will continue, endangering lives. We cannot be in a position where employers say to workers that soap is provided and therefore it's safe.

by glasgowbasedcitizen on May 09, 2020 at 05:18PM

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  • Posted by Scotland_is_flatlining May 10, 2020 at 13:02

    We are repeatedly told masks are more effective in preventing a people transmitting the virus than in avoiding infection. In such instances the employee should be self-isolating and away from work. Facemasks give a false sense of security.

    Employers should be able to incorporate COVID-19 into their health and safety processes: carrying out risk assessments and implementing appropriate procedures which may go well beyond what is being suggested here.

    Prosecution can be brought through the HSE and there is no need for additional penalty mechanisms.
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