
Ban cyclists from areas where they can’t keep 2 metres away from a pavement, also jail adults who cycle on pavements, people who spit outside and ban smoking and vaping from outside areas. Also separate areas for walkers and joggers/ cyclists.

Why the contribution is important

Safe distancing and the health and safety of the people to stop a second wave.

by purplepaul on May 06, 2020 at 12:44PM

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  • Posted by AnnLang1 May 06, 2020 at 15:33

    Allowed out twice a day if possible
  • Posted by Jules101 May 06, 2020 at 18:04

    I disagree!

    Whatever mode of transport we use - feet or wheels - we should respect the space of others.

    So yes - cyclists should give room. But so should walkers, and joggers.

    And dog owners should keep their animals on leads and not allow them to jump up on other pedestrians.

    Why pick on cyclists?

    We all need to take care.
  • Posted by wendyjardine May 07, 2020 at 14:50

    Many pavements have clear markings they are for cyclists and walkers so not a good idea. Cyclists should alert walkers by ringing their bell and move away when passing cyclists though.
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