Exercise clarification required

Clarity about the changes to where / how we can exercise required. The First Minister has used the terms "close to home" and then "relatively close to home". Today (Radio Four, Today) The Deputy First Minister used the phrase, the immediate vicinity of home. These seem like three different measures. Could we have a definition please and can we drive for countryside exercise. If not why not. Are these rules inscribed in law?In many cases this provides much more opportunity for social distancing than a walk in a crowded park. I don't meant climbing mountains and the risk that entails. Elsewhere confusion also reigns... The (NPCC) the College of Policing (UK bodies), state Driving to the countryside and walking is considered a "reasonable excuse" for people to leave their homes during the lockdown. While Scottish mountaineering reissued this statement 23 hours ago. Can we drive to the hills for our exercise?
The Scottish Government advice is clear, essential travel only, no driving for your exercise. I don't see this on the Scottish Government which says, "Unnecessary travel should be avoided, so exercise should be done in your local area. You should not drive to beauty spots, parks or beaches." Does that mean don't drive or avoid busy places. If we can drive a definition of how far is needed (a certain number of miles/within your region etc) . Also this guidance says you can exercise as often as you want, while briefings have referred to twice a day. More confusion.

Why the contribution is important

To have some clarity in Scotland when rules are changing in England.

by bernadettewalsh on May 11, 2020 at 09:01PM

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  • Posted by happyjolucky May 11, 2020 at 21:15

    I agree. In Ireland the rule is within 2km of your home. Not saying it should be the same distance here, but I would appreciate more precise info!
  • Posted by DawnSilver May 11, 2020 at 21:42

    I would also like clarification please, would like to go 5 miles away to walk, it’s the place I walk each day from March to October. Lots of people really putting weight on. Myself included, lost a lot of weight walking 5-8 miles each day. Would love to go walking alone just 5 minutes away. Have not gone this year due to the lockdown conditions.
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