Exercise for shielding and at risk groups

Introduce 2 sessions a day for shielding and at-risk groups, where it is safe for them to have access to daily outdoors exercise.

I would ask that you consider the introduction of two single-hour slots daily when everyone is asked to stay home; including dog walkers; to enable shielding and at-risk groups an opportunity to exercise with reduced numbers in public areas. Keeping people safe and well is paramount and I support all decisions made by the Scottish Government but now is time to address this much needed guidance for our vulnerable groups.

Why the contribution is important

It is unfair just to say stay home and not make provision for safe exercise outdoors for everyone. With the uplifting of the restrictions, people will now exercise more, making puplic areas a no-go for the groups staying at home, which will contribute to increase in body weight, strain on emotional wellbeing and may lead to other health complications.

by Eleanor on May 10, 2020 at 03:29PM

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  • Posted by JudyTurner May 10, 2020 at 15:35

    A really valid suggestion going forward in the long term.
  • Posted by Laffy01224 May 10, 2020 at 16:52

    Whilst I do see where you are coming from I don’t think this would be fair nor work. Not everyone is at home all day, some of us are still working and need to work our dog walking/exercising around our working schedule and the times that could be set would stop people who are working being able to take their dogs for a walk or exercise themselves.

    If everyone stays a 2m distance from each other this shouldn’t be necessary.
  • Posted by Netnub May 10, 2020 at 18:00

    People who are working are getting out people like us fit and healthy but with issues on health isolated for our 9th week I played golf 3 times a week walked an hour every other day with my wife now no walks missing this type of excersise now mostly for mental health we should get a certain time to get out.Whats annoying is the people who have never stuck to the rules out and about all day and getting away with it.
  • Posted by Edward_Borwick May 10, 2020 at 21:04

    Iagree if shielded people are allocated a time slot for exercise there more likely to adhere to the shielding rules
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