Explain the science and reasoning clearly so everyone understands the decisions the government is making

Provide clear public information that counters many of the erroneous common beliefs about C19. Explain that is isn't about most people not suffering severe symptoms, it's about limiting transmission to prevent there being more cases at once than hospitals can cope with, and to prevent vulnerable people being exposed. Explain that it's impossible to shield people if a high percentage of the public are carriers. Push the understanding that anyone can carry it to others, even if they have had it or have had a negative test. Explain how the two types of vaccines work and how much research it takes to get one to trial. Explain how important is is that vaccines and antibody tests are reliable because they would do more harm than good if the results are not accurate. Explain how antibody tests might work and why you can't just make one and get it out there. Explain the process of trialling to be sure the product works as it should. Explain why rapid easing of the lockdown would undo all the effort and hard times we have suffered through isolation and make our sacrifices worthless. Explain why travelling to virus free remote communities is unacceptable.

Not everyone will be able to understand but most will. Not everyone will act for the greater good but most will. There will always be selfish people, explain why what they do is selfish.

Why the contribution is important

People are more likely to do as they are asked if they understand why they are being asked and what is being planned next. They are less likely to clamour for vaccines and antibody tests if they understand the process and why it takes time and isn't easy. Make everyone aware of their responsibilities and hold them to account. Just explain, don't patronise us.

by JLMBD on May 10, 2020 at 12:48PM

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  • Posted by MikeJohnston May 10, 2020 at 14:52

    Recent key documents from scot.gov have been gobbledegook. I quote:

    "Weekly ratios for new cases and new deaths are ratios of weekly sums, plotted on a log 10 scale. Day-of-the-week ratios for hospital occupancy and ICU occupancy are ratios of daily counts, measured 7 days apart and plotted on a log 10 scale. Figure insets highlight more recent ratios and trends. Graphics provided by the University of Edinburgh."

    The FM needs to use graphics in her daily broadcast preferably presented by people who are proven communicators. David Hayman might be good to read the stats in a clear, solemn and empathetic manner, supported by simple graphics - and not the meaningless cumulative graphs in the daily stats spreadsheet.

    For inspiration, watch NY State Governor Andrew M. Kuomo, easily found on YouTube and sometimes on CNN. E.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwEldF5Me9Q

    (How often do I need to say this?)
  • Posted by MikeJohnston May 10, 2020 at 15:12

    I might add that in the document I'm criticising in earlier comment, the actual graphs are visually useful. It's the words that are off-putting.
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