Extend bubble to one more household
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Allow households to extend their bubble to one other household.
Why the contribution is important
Will help those living on their own
Extra support for those needing help with young children/kids with additional needs
Allow young children who don’t quite understand to be back in contact with their close family.
Allow those helping and caring to move between households a bit more freely
Still only allow one person per extended household to attend shops for essentials which ultimately will continue to reduce contact with others.
Extra support for those needing help with young children/kids with additional needs
Allow young children who don’t quite understand to be back in contact with their close family.
Allow those helping and caring to move between households a bit more freely
Still only allow one person per extended household to attend shops for essentials which ultimately will continue to reduce contact with others.
by Jhhm85 on May 06, 2020 at 06:43PM
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