Extension of term 4 by 2 weeks

Extension of school year/term 4 by two weeks, start of the new one later, for example beginning of September.
Creation of smaller classes.
Giving a chance for primary 7's to finish primary school and say goodbye's to the teacher and their classmates.
Furthermore, very important to start induction/practising classes BEFORE new school year,were everybody will get to know what is required of them relating to Covid 19 Health and Safety, basically getting used to different sitting, having their breaks/lunches differently, washing their hands, even being 2 metres away from each other.

Why the contribution is important

The idea is important for mental well-being of the children, giving them opportunity to return even for a few weeks could help them to move forward and motivate them, prepare them for next year (especially for primary 7's). Also, provide them with idea that learning is going to be very different from before.

by Emavisible on May 08, 2020 at 09:54AM

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  • Posted by Col May 08, 2020 at 10:02

    Could be good, maybe an alternative is to have schools open 52 weeks per year. Kids could have staggered holidays to reduce class sizes. Teachers would be able to take 5 weeks holiday at any time.
    Benefits kids by lower class sizes and reduces virus transmission risk.
  • Posted by lc_mcmxc May 08, 2020 at 10:56

    Original idea: Unless you want to rip up teacher contracts then this wouldn’t work. You’d need to pay them for those extra week and have accrued holiday.

    Comment: how can you teach lessons with people hopping in and out. From personal knowledge this doesn’t work and wouldn’t be reasonable to ask pupils/teachers to do this.
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