Factors for schools

Family groups to return at same time if staggered return for pupils.
Partial home learning and school working over the week for both pupils and teachers on rota.(Which will need to take account of the teacher’s own personal situation regarding childcare and schooling of their child(ren)-some teachers are lone parents and have to look after their own school age children).
Social distancing is very difficult with younger children especially during play(early years focus on play pedagogy). A more formal setting in the early years will be needed to control interaction and distancing.
Aftercare providers will need same controls re social distancing.
Staff in schools-non teaching staff and teaching staff who are unable to attend school. What supports are available to them to keep them included?
Increased cleaning of schools please!
Lunchtimes are particularly tricky generally but with added complication of social distancing even with fewer numbers in school meals will be tricky. Focus on simpler options eg toastie and soup is fine for young children.
Schools will need warm water in children’s toilets and classrooms-don’tassume this is the case in all schools!
Residential Outdoor centres-same restrictions will need to be in place there too.

Why the contribution is important

I work in a school and am aware there are huge concerns from staff and parents but also from staff who are parents!

by Rustyred16 on May 06, 2020 at 09:12AM

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  • Posted by KirstySutherland May 06, 2020 at 10:39

    I agree with this comment but also wanted to add that family groups are a great idea
    I think some parents could help with the cleaning process and overseeing lunches

    For secondary pupils - I think this is tricky - so many measures could be put in place, but kids being kids will gravitate towards each other when travelling to and from school
    Not so sure social distancing will be followed
  • Posted by emren89 May 06, 2020 at 11:18

    Schools cannot do social distancing and that's the bottom line. If the government send us back phased, staggered whatever plan we will have a second wave. Keep schools closed until at least August and re-evaluate THE SCIENCE.
  • Posted by Macdpb May 06, 2020 at 12:31

    Send schools back, staggered but takes huge pressure off parents as we return to work.
  • Posted by AnnLang1 May 06, 2020 at 15:46

    Keep schools and nurseries closed til August
  • Posted by O52O2O May 06, 2020 at 18:50

    It is far too soon to even consider reopening schools in Scotland - in particular nursery and primary schools. The infection rate in Scotland is still high and should be much lower before schools open. It is virtually impossible to enforce enhanced hygeine and social distancing in young children. And for everyone saying children aren't at particular risk of the virus, the risk to teachers also needs to be considered (although a small number of recent reports show slightly more children becoming seriously ill with it).
  • Posted by O52O2O May 06, 2020 at 18:51

    It is far too soon to even consider reopening schools in Scotland - in particular nursery and primary schools. The infection rate in Scotland is still high and should be much lower before schools open. It is virtually impossible to enforce enhanced hygeine and social distancing in young children. And for everyone saying children aren't at particular risk of the virus, the risk to teachers also needs to be considered (although a small number of recent reports show slightly more children becoming seriously ill with it).
  • Posted by RMMacGregor May 10, 2020 at 22:03

    We need clear programme of test trace and isolation with support already in place before any pupils can return to school. Otherwise schools could become the next hotspots after care homes and hospitals.
  • Posted by CraigEBurn May 11, 2020 at 12:55

    Each school will need a specific plan as the buildings differ as do the children and many of whom have specific needs which will need addressed. Once schools do reopen, staff will be working hard to settle pupils into new routines and helping vulnerable children feel secure with the new systems. Once that is embedded then learning can start and even then it will be to smaller groups while social distancing is in place.
    Staff numbers need to be checked and vulnerable staff members need to be isolating and there has to be sufficient supply teachers and support staff in place too. Social distancing will be difficult-how do you change a child who requires support at the toilet or tend to a grazed knee etc? Then there's keeping pencils etc from being cross contaminated.
    It's not a measure to be rushed for the sake of all in the school.
  • Posted by Charlj81 May 11, 2020 at 19:31

    I think masks for children and staff should be compulsory in addition to shift patterns for pupil to adult ratios. I currently work in a HUB, and there is no PPE and no encouragement to bring your own. Social distancing doesn't happen, and all we have is hand sanitizer. It is particularly difficullt with younger children. There seems to be the usual culture of, "educational staff are just bound to get it no matter what we do, so what's the point?" This is a risky attitude for both staff, children and the key worker families that they return home to each night.

    It would be great to follow the lead of other countries that are ahead of us in the process. Not all school spaces are the same. Some schools have large classrooms and corridors, while others are the opposite. There are also open plan schools. Outdoor learning is a great option if your playground or local area caters to that, however this isn't the case for many schools especially in the city.
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