Families first to benefit from any lockdown being relaxed

Allow families to meet at their own homes. Extend essential journeys to include family visits. Time to make our families the top priority.

Why the contribution is important

The lockdown is having a huge detrimental impact on parents and children who live in different households and different parts of the UK. Older people have been left extremely isolated by the policy of SavetheNHS. It would make a difference to mental health and social cohesion.

by MairiR on May 08, 2020 at 10:17AM

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  • Posted by tinahewat May 08, 2020 at 10:39

    Totally agree. It would also make it easier to control and monitor where people have incase the r number rises
  • Posted by winifred May 08, 2020 at 10:51

    It is not just about families. Whilst I totally sympathise with the difficult situations some families are in, I do not think their needs should be prioritised. Many people do not have families, and some of them are the loneliest people in our society. Please do not forget about them.
  • Posted by AFW1 May 08, 2020 at 10:53

    What about those struggling with severe mental health issues caused by isolation? They should be further punished for not having children? What about the old people with no families to visit them, they must suffer for longer but those with families can enjoy seeing eachother again?
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