
the most important thing to people is family and loved ones , my partner and i live 120 miles apart and before this spent every weekend together. we should at least be allowed to see them .

Why the contribution is important

mental heatlth

by canmore on May 05, 2020 at 01:57PM

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  • Posted by emmarussell May 06, 2020 at 13:43

    This would defeat social distancing, once we allow this extensive length of travel and mixing of households what is to stop us disregarding the current rules altogether?

    Understandably it is a hugely stressful time and extremely hard for those with loved ones out width their household. However, I personally would rather go without physically being with my loved ones to ensure that I do not spread or contract the virus. As well as encourage others to mingle making the work that those adhering to the rules and working front line completely redundant.

    The more we adhere to the guidelines the quicker this will be over.
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