
Allow close family from different households to see each other!! Even if it's out of the house ie: gardens open spaces etc or even for a time limit

Why the contribution is important

As we all miss our families and its affecting mental health!!

by Lynz on May 08, 2020 at 08:54AM

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  • Posted by Amonra May 08, 2020 at 09:39

    Agree, there is a need to allow responsible social bubbles, initially involving a small number of people (8-10) max.
  • Posted by Grant25 May 08, 2020 at 10:42

    It would be wonderful to see my two grandchildren. We could visit safely with no additional risk to either household or to the wider population
  • Posted by Jennifer22 May 08, 2020 at 11:18

    It would be lovely to see our close family. We are all missing each other and would like to be able to help each other.
    This is a fundamental aspect of human life that we need to restore as soon as we can.

    But we need to be careful. My 2 adult children both have in-laws. And in-laws have other children with their own in-laws. And on it goes. Allowing small family meetings will open up large networks of connected people. So it needs to be linked to careful thinking about whether you are likely to have been recently exposed to the virus.

    It would be good if we were encouraged to use our own judgement on this. If, like Grant 25, you were confident of no extra risk to either household then you should be allowed to go ahead.
  • Posted by Kate33 May 08, 2020 at 13:06

    I agree with this. As a single parent to two young children who are missing there grandparents terrible and so am I.
  • Posted by kinnoullhill May 08, 2020 at 18:23

    Absolutely, for health and wellbeing of all responsible people there needs to be a relaxation to a enable family bubbles.
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