Family bubble meetings

Social bubbles of 10 or 12 close family or friends should be allowed to meet, provided none are shielding or self-isolating at the time. This will improve the mental health of grandparents, for instance, who are currently not allowed to see their grandchildren.

Why the contribution is important

To overcome feelings of depression and loneliness amongst older people or those who are isolating on their own.

by DJC50 on May 08, 2020 at 07:26AM

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Based on: 11 votes


  • Posted by Col May 08, 2020 at 09:24

    Probably a good way to start widening the bubble without major risk. Contact tracing if necessary is easy. So a good place to start
  • Posted by Johnh May 08, 2020 at 10:08

    I agree that this is worth considering. Maybe with a smaller bubble (6?) or just allowing two households to be one bubble (however many people in each household).

    I see this as more for getting one contact for otherwise isolated family members or for couples who don't cohabit. Less for getting whole families together with a sense of return to normal.

    Most importantly I suspect it needs the caveats of not having ANYONE in the bubble who is going into a workplace or has had any contacts out of the bubble in the last 14 days.
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