Family members of shielded people

As a family member of 2 shielded people I do not see how I can go back to work as a teacher because I will not be able to socially distance. I don't have anywhere else to live. I am sure many people are in similar situations. These people need to be taken into account when you think of reopening schools, businesses and shops.

Why the contribution is important

To protect shielded people.

by wendrew93 on May 05, 2020 at 01:54PM

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  • Posted by PeachesHumph May 05, 2020 at 14:18

    It’s not just those people who are shielding officially, there are many who fall into multiple high risk categories that are not included with kids at school, eg I am diabetic, have asthma and have had chest infections every year for last 4 years, twice turning into pneumonia and pleurisy, I am in my 50s with 2 kids in school. If my kids returned to school, caught the virus and pass it on to me, I would be at higher risk of complications and death. I am certain my kids would rather have to play catch up with their education than lose their mum. Alternative arrangements should be made available to people who live in vulnerable households
  • Posted by clydecosmos1 May 05, 2020 at 14:26

    I agree my wife and I and oldest daughter who is a school teacher are in a similar position and have been worrying about this since day one. I work on a site and my wife works in an office we would both find it hard to keep any social distancing in workplace to avoid bringing potential virus back to our daughter. My oldest is a school teacher and has asthma we would be worried for her own safety if she had to return to school to teach while the virus is still a threat.
  • Posted by kirssybelle May 05, 2020 at 14:45

    I am a school teacher with asthma, and my husband is shielding (in the very high risk category). I have been panicked about the impact on our family since the very beginning. I cannot see a way that I can return to work and remain there safely with my own health issues. I also cannot see how I can possibly return to work and keep my family safe. We are foster carers and if children return back to school, children in our home will also be potentially at risk of passing the virus onto us. I am happy to support distance learning for my pupils from home, likewise, I would also be happy to continue to home school the children in our care. I would not want to jeopardise their placement because of a virus, especially as stability is paramount in their lives.

    I know there are many teachers in this position, and it is causing a high level of worry and distress. Please think about the dangers to staff and their families, and not just the danger to pupils.
  • Posted by Njay May 05, 2020 at 14:45

    I'm a primary school teacher and my wife is in the shielded category. I understand that we need to keep educating children and I want to do my job, but I'm terrified of bringing anything home to my wife. If I get the disease then so be it, but if she gets it she might not survive.
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