Fast and accurate’ antibody test developed by Edinburgh scientists

If this story is true why is the Scottish Gov not biting there hands of to buy these machines for the Scottish NHS instead of letting them go to Europe we are told TEST TEST TEST is important these machines if proved TRUE can do both TEST and TRACE and we will be in a lot better position to see where virus is and when we can relax lock down in certain areas ?????

Why have we not bought all of these machines ??????

Why the contribution is important

It will do 2 jobs with one stone and SAVE LIVES and help with economy if these test are proved TRUE ?????

by shawsy11 on May 09, 2020 at 10:38AM

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  • Posted by JLMBD May 09, 2020 at 14:39

    Because they are not reliable enough in testing. False positives mean people are stuck at home unnecessarily and false negatives mean carriers are out in the community.
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