Financial security and rebuilding the economy

A citizen's income (Universal Basic Income) should be introduced immediately in order to ensure we can emerge from this crisis together, helping each other, secure in the knowledge that we have enough to cover all our essentials. Those who don't need it can opt to donate their entitlement to a common good fund. The relief from personal financial stress, poverty and destitution, would save the NHS costs in the long term and would allow people to contribute voluntarily where the greatest needs are.

Why the contribution is important

Stress is a huge contributor to health, and financial stress is one that it is within the Government's power to alleviate. The Scottish Government has stated it wants us to emerge from this crisis into a kinder, more compassionate society. If we emerged with a guaranteed citizen's income, cradle to grave, this would be a legacy we could feel positive about, helping us all to heal from the collective trauma of Covid-19.

by AlisonM on May 09, 2020 at 08:35PM

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  • Posted by HelenMM May 09, 2020 at 21:24

    Beautiful idea and I would like to say that people are all nice and will not take advantage of this kind of the system but some will..In an ideal world this would be great. I cannot see this happening though. As the UK Government has introduced the furlough system and they 'did not realise' that they shut down a massive proportion of businesses who then would use the system until they can open again - to support their employees - and now they are trying to cut their losses and finish it off, how would the Government find funds to support an income for everyone? They are struggling with 80% of wages for some 6 million people (and that is from the Westminister), how would the Scottish Government accommodate the 5 million something Scots.. We already have a quite high benefits ratio, there is no way they would find funds for this.
  • Posted by Elkie May 09, 2020 at 22:41

    The financial support of the furlough scheme will not stop companies from sizing down, as soon as the government payments end. Not to mention the companies who will simply not be able to survive. Many more people will then have to be supported with benefits.
    UBI would be far more effective and a lot easier.
    It will take years to sort out, which companies received too much, or broke rules. Others will complain, because they were treated unfairly.
  • Posted by AlexMD May 10, 2020 at 07:47

    Nice thought but not practical.
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