First Bus Glasgow

I have previously emailed First Bus Glasgow as they are not monitoring social distancing on their buses and asked them to implement the following:

Head count to minimise risk of passengers being to close.

Cordon off every other set of seats to ensure that passengers can't sit directly behind or in front of other passengers.(at present ,they only cordon off the seat beside the driver)

Going forward they should provide hand sanitiser on the buses.

Why the contribution is important

It will minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19

by AG on May 06, 2020 at 10:24AM

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  • Posted by ennovy May 07, 2020 at 09:52

    Public transport is essential for many. Buses/trains should address socila distancing issues for the benefit of all users. Cutting services, as has happened during lockdown, has not necessarily cut usage. If you need to travel, and the bus is your only option, you use the bus!. However, this has sometimes led to these less frquent services being more crowded than one would ideally wish. Bus users will voluntarily self-distance on buses if possible by sitting 2 seats apart. This has not always been possible in recent days. Please restore full bus services as part of easing of lockdown.
  • Posted by AG May 11, 2020 at 07:26

    First Bus Glasgow,number 75 had wrap around messages on the seats this morning 11.05.20 06:40 saying to keep this space free to allow for social distancing.Hopefully we will start to see this on other services.

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