Fishing /Angling as daily exercise
please can fishing/angling please be specifically included on the government's advice as a valid form of exercise in which maintaining social distancing is always observed. It is a very good way for people to get out into the countryside and there are 10s of thousands of adherents to it across Scotland, including many disabled anglers.
Why the contribution is important
Because it would enable fishermen to have a clear idea of where they stand on government advice to stay home and socially distance. At the moment the position is unclear. My angling club, the Eden Angling Association in Fife, is advising members not to go out onto the river fishing , and the vast majority of members are abiding by the advice in the interests of public safety. However it is perfectly permissible to . take a walk along the river with a dog ( which I have just done) - so we need a bit more clear guidance on where anglers are. Nobody in the club travels very far to fish the Eden, perhaps a couple of miles at most and we do not get sightseers or groups coming to camp along the river so opening it to fishing would not encourage people to travel to the area.
by MickKitson on May 11, 2020 at 07:08PM
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