Fishing for pleasure

There is no reason why all 3 disciplines of fishing for pleasure cannot be included in "exercise" (Shore , coarse and fresh water) it is one of the easiest sports to do on your own. Sea anglers especially have to get bait before fishing which means normally digging for worms or collecting shellfish - exercise in itself. When fishing under normal circumstances no angler is normally within 5 mtrs of the person fishing next to them and in the case of sea anglers it is easy for them to fish on quiet beaches and not those used by dog walkers or people exercising.

Why the contribution is important

Sea anglers especially have to get their own bait in order to fish which normally means digging for worms or collecting shellfish --exercise in itself. When fishing under normal circumstances no angler is normally within 5 mtrs of the person fishing next to them.
Anglers are very used to being outdoors in all weathers and having not being able to take part in their hobby is getting very detrimental to their health for a lot of them. They can fish within all the rules with family members ie father/son/daughter but even if rules were to be relaxed to include "bubble groups" they can easily travel to a quiet beach in their own transport but stay far enough apart that they can talk to one another.

by smuir on May 11, 2020 at 09:26AM

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Based on: 10 votes


  • Posted by KMR May 11, 2020 at 09:32

    Seems reasonable with the caveat of no boat fishing as this would make it difficult to physically distance.
  • Posted by Mags52 May 11, 2020 at 10:45

    Fishers know this is good for mental health and well being. Time out in the countryside. What harm can it possibly do?
  • Posted by rannoch4 May 11, 2020 at 10:49

    Fishing on my home river is quite safe as I rarely see other fishermen on the river at the same time and when I do we rarely stop and chat closer than a rod length apart any way . Relax the no fishing rule and let fisher person get on with their sport.
  • Posted by AMMAC May 11, 2020 at 12:14

    Can see no reason why this should not be safe and possible and therefore support it
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