Fix the roads

While there are less people on the roads, fix the potholes properly and resurface the roads. It will mean work can be done in a social distancing safe manner and the roads will be much better and safer to cycle on as well as drive after this. The sides need to be much safer for cyclists to keep cycling and not revert back to their cars... Maybe more cycle lanes too..

Why the contribution is important

As above

by JenB on May 06, 2020 at 04:08PM

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  • Posted by theweemaverick May 06, 2020 at 17:08

    Yes I agree. Fix the roads but do so in a way that prioritises walking, cycling and the safety of children over cars. And this comes from a car owner that wants to use it far, far less than I found myself having to do pre-COVID19.
  • Posted by MikeP67 May 06, 2020 at 17:31

    You don’t seem have much thought for the people involved in these repairs.. we must consider the health of the workers and their families when they retuning home at night..
    The days of 4 men traveling in one van are gone.
    Safe systems of work will have to be invented before things like this can take place.
  • Posted by thepest May 06, 2020 at 19:49

    Why not fix the pot holes while there's less traffic on the roads?
  • Posted by Colquhounr May 06, 2020 at 19:53

    There are far more important issues than roads at present!
  • Posted by Wyatt8 May 06, 2020 at 20:25

    Highways maintenance companies are currently restricted to ‘critical’ activities but as we all know potholes can, and do, very quickly become a hazard if not dealt with. Investment and spending on the Scottish roads network is essential and once out of lockdown the roads are the vital arteries supplying the country and supporting the economy.
    Road surfacing works are obviously outdoors so less risky and social distancing measures can be implemented in an industry used to following safety rules and regulations.
    And yes there are more important things at the moment but that can be said for most things. Getting the country back working and dealing with something that ultimately needs done when it is safer to do so with reduced traffic levels makes sense.
  • Posted by BruceE2 May 08, 2020 at 15:59

    great idea, it should be easy to fix a pot hole and maintain appropriate distance from colleagues
  • Posted by lesbruce May 10, 2020 at 15:57

    Repair and improve roads where necessary. NO to huge road building projects (eg A96 and A9 dualling) which will destroy the environment and will not help the emissions problem. Post Covid-19 there will be more desire by people to work from home where possible, which will have numerous advantages; massive road building will not be required.
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