Flexible Review Period

The paper makes reference to a 21 day review period for restrictions. The regulations require a review at least once every 21 days - so a more frequent review would not be prohibited. There may come a time where some restrictions could be eased without having to wait for a further 21 days. A greater emphasis on this point would be welcome and give further reassurance that the restrictions will only be in place for as long as absolutely necessary.

Why the contribution is important

It would emphasise to the public that restrictions will only be in place for as short a period as possible and encourage compliance.

by mmjsmith83 on May 06, 2020 at 03:40PM

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  • Posted by TStrachan May 06, 2020 at 16:16

    It references several times in the latest published framework that restrictions will be reviewed and changes made whenever it is considered safe to do so. I have attached one such excerpt below. I take this to be that changes will be made before the 3 week review if warranted.

    The following three-week cycle ends on 28thMay. Consistent with the legislation, changes can be made before that date, and of course after that date, if the assessment indicates that is the right thing to do: the regulations should only be in place for as long as required.
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