Follow WHO guidelines

Reduce the physical distancing requirement to 1m to match WHO guidelines

Why the contribution is important

Allows behaviour to much more closely resemble "normal" whilst still physically distancing.

by truescot on May 05, 2020 at 02:58PM

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  • Posted by fionaosborne May 05, 2020 at 15:51

    I think we need to keep it at 2 metres.
    1) better to be on the safe side
    2) changing it will mean that people will take liberties
    I also think that the government needs to add the other symptoms of Covid 19
    It is not just a fever and cough.
    My friend had a week of tiredness and digestion problems before he got breathless. If people are aware of all the symptoms they will isolate sooner and therefore fewer people will be infected.
  • Posted by shazzaem May 06, 2020 at 21:51

    I believe we should follow the WHO 1m guidance too. Easier for shops and workplaces to reopen. Schools and after school sports clubs too.

    The more we can do to resemble normality at a low level of risk, the better. Public more likely to follow guidance if it is deemed reasonable.
  • Posted by truescot May 08, 2020 at 07:49

    The 2m limit was set before we knew anything significant about transmission vectors. The tiny additional benefit versus 1m does not outweigh the detrimental effect it has in so many areas of our lives.
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