Free taxis to take care home staff to work

As care homes are having the higher incidents of infection, might it be a good idea to lay on free transport to take staff to and from their place of employment, most care staff have to go to work by public transport due to low pay, therefore are at a higher risk of contracting or spreading the virus as social distancing on public transport is difficult, also I think they could use the break

Why the contribution is important

Reduce infection opportunity

by shieldingcarol20 on May 06, 2020 at 07:41PM

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  • Posted by theresasheldon May 06, 2020 at 20:10

    Yes good idea. Or maybe like the American school bus - NHS only staff buses. They already exist - need more of them
  • Posted by Dougieo May 06, 2020 at 20:43

    Social distancing in a taxi becomes very difficult
  • Posted by Perth_Cabby May 06, 2020 at 21:15

    Care staff will always get the cheapest tariff if they ask when booking the journey. That's a standard mark for the better operators.
    The contracts would have to be fair to the drivers as well. A reduced or subsidised rate is fair if it's a regular booking but that subsidy needs to cover at least minimum wage for the driver as they are majority self employed but split their daily proceeds with the taxi plate owner. Time + fuel used is the key to viably for the driver. They will also be providing a fairly high risk service, including the potential of even more non-earning weeks if you start displaying symptoms.
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