Friends/family gatherings & Schooling

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You should be able to have private gatherings of no more than 8 in your garden or home.

Schools shouldn’t go back too soon. We know what it’s like when kids go back to school after holidays. They get colds and bugs straight away. Viruses spread like wildfire in schools. Phase older children who are aware and have a full understanding of what’s going on and leave the younger ones at home until everything is ok and we have a vaccine.

Why the contribution is important

It means that we are seeing iur friends and family helping everyone with their wellbeing. Kids can see some of their friends without spreading bugs. All being mindful of you feel ill don’t go out!

I don’t want kids going back to school as viruses spread like wildfire. My son always has a cold when he’s at school and I don’t want him spreading any virus’ to anyone. Older kids have a better understanding of hygiene and the corona virus. If they need to be at school for tests and critical learning do it on a phased basis.

by Deniseca19 on May 07, 2020 at 09:29AM

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