Future tax architecture

Conversation required - perhaps via a similar consultation to this - on tax arrangements for the future, so that we can decide how to better fund public services and debt servicing in the future. At the moment we appear to target employment and the young, privileging offshore structuring, the old, luxuries, pollution etc.

Why the contribution is important

Taxation should be seen to be fair to current taxpayers and future taxpayers. Lots of examples of unfairness - to take two: tax-free benefits such as winter fuel allowances (why does a rich oldie not get taxed on this allowance?), effective encouragement to blue savings (e.g. on holidays) to get others to pay for end-of-life care.

by eildontreerymer on May 11, 2020 at 09:34AM

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  • Posted by JustANumber May 11, 2020 at 10:00

    A product of the 'financial' crash in scotland was to specifically increase the 'council tax' on properties disproportionally based on a banding system which hasn't been reviewed for what 20 years.
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