Getting back to new normal

1,open shops, work out the square foot, devide the 2 meter rule allowing
the correct number of people in at one time.
2,use as much outdoor space as possible, use pavement or road to alocate space. Close roads to allow for this.
3, allow parks and beaches to be open, but monitor crowds. Most people will adhere to the 2 meter rule. Keep away from other groups, which should only be groups of family, no more than 5 in group. Move away if space is the problem.
4, grandparents to meet up with granchildren
5, use own judgement to move away from others if 2 meter can not be done asap
6, keep to no hand contact, no kissing, hugging between family groups only.
7, let people out first who do not have outside space.
8,in ideal world, keep everyone homes with garden, then staying at ho.e would be much easier.

Why the contribution is important

1, for health and safety reasons
2 mental health
3 use the outside space to keep distance. better out than in
4 economny needs , as two many companies and individuals are suffering. We need to spend again to pay wages.

by kernie on May 09, 2020 at 12:38PM

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  • Posted by RosieMcMac May 09, 2020 at 13:00

    I think this is too much to happen at once. I also don’t think any of this should happen until at least 3 weeks and very slow and gradual
  • Posted by SteveR57 May 09, 2020 at 13:36

    I agree with this but not before the end of May. Listen to scientists but the economy must eventually move forward or the long term consequences will be catastrophic. Additionally, science is not 100% correct. Neil Ferguson, for example, had a pretty checquered reputation on predictive modelling as I understand it
  • Posted by Stephen666 May 09, 2020 at 13:40

    I agree with Rosie. I would target local area aggressive testing and Contact tracing, first, then consider whether local area could be contained within itself until adjacent areas tested and traced. Once a freeboard of adjacent local areas clear, then the lockdown could be substantively lifted.
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