Give us some hope Nicola

Set out some provisional dates for the easing of lockdown, always subject to medical and scientific advice of course.
The government must have an idea of what will be done, in what order and when so why not share it with us?

Why the contribution is important

1. The population has sacrificed a lot over the last seven weeks and really needs to see a way ahead.
2. It is noticeable that more people are moving about when they shouldn't be but it's because they are becoming frustrated. Giving us an outline 'plan' will give us confidence in the future and most importantly, HOPE

by Ayrshire92 on May 07, 2020 at 08:37PM

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  • Posted by koreadon May 07, 2020 at 20:51

    Absolutely. Sharing these plans with us as responsible adults won’t stop the vast majority from continuing to do what we’re being asked to do!
  • Posted by jennyw May 07, 2020 at 20:56

    I believe the first minister is doing the best she can in these unprecedented times. Enough pressure for anyone to bear. She has her finger on the pulse and will lead benevolently. We need to support her leadership.
  • Posted by Mosley May 07, 2020 at 21:07

    Nicola called for the government to have grown up conversation about coming out lockdown but now she wants to treat us like children who need protecting, who are unable consider all the information and come to their own informed decisions.

    We have had the three messages of the government reinforced on a daily basis to the point that people are becoming fearful, this is not good moving forward, our NHS in Scotland has not been overwhelmed and we do not want a second peek in the winter months so now is the time for healthy people to go out and about whilst continuing to hand wash and practice social distancing and if they contract the virus they will be less likely to require hospital services and should build up individual and herd immunity. Please enable adults to exercise free will whist equipped with the new skills and knowledge we have obtained.

  • Posted by emwpaisley May 07, 2020 at 21:10

    For some unknown reason this comment was removed earlier I would. It like to think opinion QA now being suppressed !Regrettably the first minister is more interested in her own agenda ! We should never have been locked down - look at Sweden- of course they had a well funded and prepared health service ! Unlike us who had only out of date minimal stocks of PPE . They saw fit to abandon testing and sent elderly home to care homes with no testing Now we all have suppressed immune systems so don’t be surprised at the First Minister’s attitude
  • Posted by Billy51 May 07, 2020 at 22:04

    We are still waiting to hear the plan (which we were supposed to hear this week) for exiting the lockdown, then tell us or can we not be trusted. I wonder if things. Does the Scottish Government have one or not? If they have, then tell us what it is. Or is this virus going to keep us in lockdown till we have medication to combat it.
  • Posted by Lockdown_2020 May 08, 2020 at 07:10

    I know stop being so dour Sturgeon, I might not particularly like Boris but at least he is a bit more upbeat whilst recognising the seriousness of the situation. I just switch off when she comes on, nothing positive and her tone and choice of language just depresses you.( she needs new script writers) When having a check in with my staff still working it is clear that everyone has had enough and this down to having nothing to aim for and look forward to.
  • Posted by donaldil16 May 08, 2020 at 07:30

    It may be that first minister has her own agenda,we should come out of lockdown with common sense,same as rest of UK. Lets get on with it with proper risk assessment!
  • Posted by JohnL May 08, 2020 at 07:30

    Scotland is smaller than Sweden, they have managed this situation far better than us......without lockdown!!
  • Posted by HarrisSch May 08, 2020 at 07:42

    Having this page shows that Scotland in not a dictatorship. The health service has not been overwhelmed, this shows that the management of the situation has been good. Unfortunately health workers and Carers have died, which shows how serious the situation is. Nobody has experience of this kind of situation so we need leadership with good professional advice. I think Nicola is showing this. Personally I think people should be allowed out more, not in groups, to help physical and mental health.
  • Posted by owenc00 May 08, 2020 at 07:50

    I agree. If Nicola wants to treat us like adults, then let's see some evidence of that. Give us the best factual information you can, and then allow the adults to male some reasoned and informed individual choices
  • Posted by Kim May 08, 2020 at 10:58

     Not sharing your proposal in detail is not having a grown up conversation.

    We need to get back to normality and we need to be able to make decision for our own health and well being.

    It has been reported that 60% of deaths are in care homes. so should you not be concentrating your efforts in there and letting those who can come out of lock down out?.
    The longer this goes on the longer our mental health are suffering.
  • Posted by Ayrshire92 May 08, 2020 at 13:27

    For anyone who hasn't seen it, this is the Irish government's 'Roadmap'[…]/

    It's a well-thought out and well presented document giving the population an idea of what to expect and when, subject of course to medical and scientific advice saying that it is safe to move forward.
  • Posted by firehorse May 08, 2020 at 23:42

    the problem with an intended roadmap it leaves no room to change direction, a bit like following a satnav, and no guarantee you arrive at your destination, if dealing with the crisis was as simple as the football league, its easy to tell you a timeline. This however is a new virus, where there are to many unknowns, it is foolish to believe that a pre-set road map/timeline wouldn't need changing daily. And then we could all feel a little disappointed. Throughout all the 1st ministers daily update she has repeated the same message that each step change will be based on the latest scientific data. I as so wish people would stop using Sweden as a positive example, they recently announced the highest weekly mortality rate in over a century, they also have a completely different cultural relationship with its government and wider society, that is vastly different to ours.
  • Posted by Scotland_is_flatlining May 11, 2020 at 17:51

    Wee, sleekit, cowran, tim'rous beastie,
    O, what a panic's in thy breastie!

    Time's up. Move on or move out!
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