gloves and disinfectants

No gloves to be used by public members while shopping or out and about.
Disinfecting hands stations at the shop exit.

Why the contribution is important

No gloves to be used by public members while shopping. Why?
1. Later on they can be found on the pavement instead in the bin.
2. That gives a false feeling of security. We need to have a habit to wash hands or disinfect them if washing not possible but not to cover our hands with gloves and passing germs or viruses on them and being happy that our hands are clean. We can feel faster if our hands are clean but we can not feel the gloves being dirty or sticky from dirt.
I would like to see disinfecting hands stations not only before entering to the shop but when leaving also to clean hands before entering the car or bus to go home with shopping. I use my own hand gel when I leave the shop.

by beata on May 05, 2020 at 10:35PM

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  • Posted by vivienwatt May 06, 2020 at 07:33

    Hand sanitiser to be provided by all shops on energy and exciting the premises.
    The continuation of sanitiser stations to clean shopping trolleys and baskets .
  • Posted by Chardie May 06, 2020 at 07:36

    Disagree. Sanitising hand gel can be too harsh for a lot of people's skin. I prefer to wear gloves when out and use the sanitiser on the gloves. My hands burn, crack and open with too much sanitiser.
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