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I fully agree, golf courses should be open as the risk of covid is minimal on golf courses
2 ball max group size for now
Members only
Hole remains turned upside down
No rakes in the bunkers
Ball washers out of use
Players do not use other tees or balls found
Tee times must be booked so officials know who is on the course at all times
2 ball max group size for now
Members only
Hole remains turned upside down
No rakes in the bunkers
Ball washers out of use
Players do not use other tees or balls found
Tee times must be booked so officials know who is on the course at all times
Why the contribution is important
Everyone who decides to play must follow the guidelines and use some common sense
If this is done correctly there is no reason courses can not reopened and used in a safe manner
Scotland is the home of golf and is a shame if this royal and ancient sport could not be played as part of daily exercise
Golf is safer than shopping at a super market realistically
If this is done correctly there is no reason courses can not reopened and used in a safe manner
Scotland is the home of golf and is a shame if this royal and ancient sport could not be played as part of daily exercise
Golf is safer than shopping at a super market realistically
by Calum4492 on May 07, 2020 at 11:28AM
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