
Given that golfers can maintain a minimum 2 metres on the course can we open courses for local members. Members can change in the car park and head to the first tee 5 minutes before the tee off time. Games could be restricted to two balls however; it wouldn’t be difficult to maintain 2 metres in a Fourball. Touching the pins and bunker rakes would be banned and holes inverted to stop the ball falling to the bottom of the cup. After play straight to the car park with no clubhouse facilities available. Golf offers regular exercise and mental wellbeing do would help the community.
The same could apply to bowling clubs which have the same community benefits.

Why the contribution is important

It’s important for local community wellbeing. Golf tends to be played within the same social groups which would help in the containment of the virus.

by martynlawrie on May 05, 2020 at 06:58PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.6
Based on: 40 votes


  • Posted by DevVeh May 05, 2020 at 19:05

    There are multiple post about golf. Please refer to one of them and not make new ideas
  • Posted by GavinH May 05, 2020 at 19:09

    Open the courses
  • Posted by farraline May 05, 2020 at 19:10

    Very easy for golfers to stay far apart. Good for healthy exercise and mental health well being.
  • Posted by snodpop May 05, 2020 at 19:30

    Reopen private courses in accordance with the recent R&A recommendations. In addition limit games to 9 holes only thus increasing the opportunity to play for more members.
  • Posted by Andrewjthomson86 May 05, 2020 at 19:38

    Why only private clubs to be open, take it you are a private club member? Plus so courses can do 9 holes so that’s pointless
  • Posted by Meerykat May 05, 2020 at 19:42

    Being a golfer, I agree with the desire to open courses with clear and strict guidelines. However, being a nurse trained in infection control, I have noticed that many golfers seem to think that merely inverting the putting cup or using some method of clearing the ball from the cup is preventing the possibility of infection. This is not so - a carrier of COVID 19 who, if playing golf, will presumably have no symptoms. He or she handles their golf ball which is then putted into the cup; this leaves contamination on the cup base/perimeter; this contamination is then passed to other peoples’ golf balls, which they have putted in. So, the putting -in aspect remains a big concern. If golf reopens, there should be no putting in to prevent cross contamination.
  • Posted by IainBlair May 05, 2020 at 19:53

    Golf is likely the safest naturally socially distanced sport. It provides exercise, fresh air and mental health benefits. Scottish Golf has issued additional guidelines which clubs had, prior to lockdown already implemented, that completely remove the need to touch any part of the course or its equipment such as flagsticks. Golf is played across the whole of society and is accessible to pretty much anyone who wishes to play at low cost and in close proximity almost everywhere. Golf is the most obvious thing to re-open and would be a tremendous boost to a large number of people.
  • Posted by Alasdrum May 05, 2020 at 20:20

    Golf reopening is a no-brainer. With social distancing and rules on touching flags which many clubs introduced just before lockdown there are no justifiable reasons to keep it closed.
  • Posted by DrMantisToboggan May 05, 2020 at 20:22

    Golf should be the least of anyone's worries
  • Posted by Neil1066 May 06, 2020 at 18:44

    Safer than supermarkets. Golf with members of household would be a good start.
  • Posted by Wyatt8 May 06, 2020 at 20:04

    Maintaining social distance can be easily implemented on the golf course. Golf courses had measures in place in accordance with R&A rules before lockdown was introduced such as leaving the flag in the hole, removing bunkers from rakes, changing shoes in the car park etc.
    Being outside, there is less risk playing a game of golf than there is going to the supermarket.
    On his weekly slot on BBC Sportsound, Professor Jason Leitch alluded to this only last week, citing that being outside and maintaining social distance “you would need to try very hard to catch the virus”.
    All outdoor sports that can maintain social distance should be allowed to return to allow some respite from the lockdown and benefit mental health as well as the obvious physical merit.
  • Posted by beejay23 May 08, 2020 at 08:43

    I could not agree more. Open up golf courses ASAP.
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