Golf Resumption - staged development
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The suggestions put forward are a sensible first step in the resumption of golf. The number of players playing together is important and I suggest a maximum of 3 in any one group. Groups also need to be well spaced out - 10 minutes between. National guidelines from the R and A would allow those responsible for running clubs to develop local rules (within the guidelines) to make it as safe as possible. Such matters could include access to locker rooms and toilet facilities and the use of practice areas.
Golf Club Professionals are a major part of the game in Scotland. They are a small business with a shop. This should open up in line with other businesses which are currently closed and opening should ensure appropriate social distancing which in most cases should be easy to achieve e.g. only 2 members allowed in the shop at any time and others to queue outside. The ability of Golf Club Professionals to provide coaching to individuals and or small groups should also be considered soon (maybe outdoors only/indoors if suitable premises are available).
Club competitions are an integral part of golf clubs and thought should be given as to how they could be introduced at some stage in the future. A number of issues
1) Registration and collection of competition fees (maybe electronically or by contactless card)
2) Does a competition count for handicap if there are no bunker rakes and different depths of holes.
3) Scorecards - Can you mark your own and have it initialed by your playing partner (without them touching the card) and then photograph and email to someone who can enter all the scores?
Golf Club Professionals are a major part of the game in Scotland. They are a small business with a shop. This should open up in line with other businesses which are currently closed and opening should ensure appropriate social distancing which in most cases should be easy to achieve e.g. only 2 members allowed in the shop at any time and others to queue outside. The ability of Golf Club Professionals to provide coaching to individuals and or small groups should also be considered soon (maybe outdoors only/indoors if suitable premises are available).
Club competitions are an integral part of golf clubs and thought should be given as to how they could be introduced at some stage in the future. A number of issues
1) Registration and collection of competition fees (maybe electronically or by contactless card)
2) Does a competition count for handicap if there are no bunker rakes and different depths of holes.
3) Scorecards - Can you mark your own and have it initialed by your playing partner (without them touching the card) and then photograph and email to someone who can enter all the scores?
Why the contribution is important
As golf provides a positive impact on the physical, social and mental determinants of overall health, resumption (with appropriate safeguards) has the potential to positively impact on the health of a significant number of people.
Useful to consider further development of golf resumption when there is time to give all the issues affecting this thorough consideration.
Useful to consider further development of golf resumption when there is time to give all the issues affecting this thorough consideration.
by ken_thomson on May 07, 2020 at 04:04PM
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