Golf should not return till safe

The return of golf should follow government guidance and stay shut. SGU made this decision at the start and they should remain as nothing has changed.

Why the contribution is important

Safety is more important than golfing

by Tommyz on May 07, 2020 at 06:50PM

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  • Posted by Fraserbr May 07, 2020 at 18:55

    Golf is the only game you can social distance and is total farce that is is banned
  • Posted by Broughty_man May 07, 2020 at 19:34

    Golf is a vital part of our past and future tourism industry.
    Scottish Govt is KILLING this. Many courses have been struggling before covid. Why are these closed.
    Workers are still required to maintain the courses.

    I am retired. I am unable to do running or cycling. Golf is easier to socially distance than these and is excellent exercise. Why exclude golf?

    Open the courses - clubhouse and social facilities should remain closed.
  • Posted by lcraik May 07, 2020 at 19:37

    At the start, end and locker room golf is still an issue
  • Posted by BSL May 07, 2020 at 20:21

    Rubbish. You are more at risk out for a walk or going to the supermarket. Sit in the car until your allotted tee time and go straight back to car when you finish.
  • Posted by Mosley May 07, 2020 at 20:29

    I think the vest majority us have evidenced that we are willing able to follow rules set out, people need to be given some credit and recognition for that by allowing them to do pursuits such as golf, yes they may come into contact with others but we all have the skills/knowledge now to do it safely. So I vote yes to golf and other activities where people can use their judgement to employ their skills and act responsible.
  • Posted by johnltash May 07, 2020 at 22:22

    As an avid and enthusiastic golfer I would love to be taking advantage of the wonderful weather we are currently enjoying, and playing 3 or 4 rounds a week. However, I am not sure that I would be comfortable playing golf whilst the majority of the population are restricted in their ability to exercise and socialise. When the restrictions on exercising are relaxed for everyone that should be the time to allow golf to be played again, providing proper safeguards are in place.
  • Posted by Thomsonite May 07, 2020 at 22:41

    I would like to say that by playing golf with the restrictions given by the R n A
    and enforced by the clubs them and adhered to by the members,that it would be of immense value to the people participating,mentally, physically and emotionally.It is far safer for people on a golf course during this cris than it is ,even with social distancing, than it is in a supermarket or any retail store that is open.I see people out cycling every day and many but not all are keeping their distance.
    So,it absolute nonsense on all counts
    that hold is not allowed. Those of you ruling this country should take a realistic look at how much safer golf is and with the restrictions than many of the other activities and goings on we see every day.
  • Posted by ronniec May 07, 2020 at 23:59

    Golf should be allowed to restart albeit in a very restricted form and the guidelines have already been outlined by the r&a. Clubhouses will not reopen it is purely to allow the play of a few holes for exercise. Especially for those of us for whom jogging or cycling are not realistic options. So much safer than the weekly shop. It will also be simple on the course to maintain social distance.
  • Posted by godboy19 May 08, 2020 at 06:25

    Courses should never have been closed in the fist place.

    Given the traditional etiquette of golf it's THE most likely place where social distancing will be observed.

    I can't even go into a shop without someone walking into me.
  • Posted by EwanCampbell May 08, 2020 at 07:19

    The rules that were being followed just prior to lockdown in the golf course were being adhered to at our club and nobody had an issue. There is no reason they cannot be put back in place and courses opened.

    Let's be honest here, I feel more at risk going and doing my shopping than I would on a golf course using my own equipment.
  • Posted by Laurianna May 08, 2020 at 07:35

    I agree that golf courses should re open with no need for locker rooms or clubhouses to be opened. Golf is a sport you can easily socially distance with. Many golf courses are struggling and may be forced to close for good after this.
  • Posted by barwellfleet May 08, 2020 at 07:40

    A risk based approach towards returning peoples lives is vital and golf does not present a significant risk. It is easy to maintain distance, people 'flow' through the course preventing gatherings and it is a healthy sport for many people. I don't think the tourism aspect is important at this time, as travel on planes, trains and busses clearly present more of a challenge in containing spread than being out in the open. In the medium to long run, the more courses that we lose due to financial difficulty, then the tourism damage will become important but that probably isn't a real challenge yet.
  • Posted by SJP79 May 08, 2020 at 07:40

    The problem with golf is that people play it together therefore the risk of spreading the virus is still there.
  • Posted by owenc00 May 08, 2020 at 08:08

    Golf isn't "dangerous". Golf is about the "safest" sport there is. About the most risky thing about golf is getting hit on the head with a golf ball. I don't see a shred of evidence to suggest that a group of four adults, socially distant and whacking golf balls about, is in any way "endangering life". Where is the evidence to support this ban?
  • Posted by CarolG May 08, 2020 at 08:34

    Golf course should open - adhering you social distancing but clubhouses must remain closed
  • Posted by JohnInGlasgow May 08, 2020 at 11:17

    There's no risk at all if golf came back with restrictions such as playing by yourself, or with a member of your own household.
  • Posted by Kylesku May 08, 2020 at 21:37

    This is a fine example of how the whole areguement seems to have shifted to one where everyone everywhere needs to stop enjoying htem selves or having fun.

    If you dont golf, dont get jealous that others can go out and do a sport when you cant. There is no reason to penalise everyone.
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