Golf with restrictions

Open the golf courses again, with obvious restrictions, e.g. clubhouse closed, no bunker rakes, no touching of pins, only play on your own or with another household member. I can't see any logical reason why people can walk their dog on a golf course, but it's not acceptable to walk around and hit a ball. The nearest other player is usually at least 150 yards away so social distancing is not a problem.

Why the contribution is important

As a key worker who has hardly had a day off since the lockdown started, it would certainly release some of the stress if I could even play 9 holes at night after work.

by JohnInGlasgow on May 08, 2020 at 10:58AM

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  • Posted by carnethyhill May 08, 2020 at 12:23

    Golf is a very important part of many people's lives, men, women and young people. The exercise and access to the outdoors in a safe and peaceful environment enhances a person's mental well being. Ensuring the safety aspect would be undertaken by players with the full knowledge of the dangers of the virus. The population have had seven weeks of practice in maintaining their safety by observing the correct practice in 99.5% of situations and will bring that knowledge to their playing on the golf course. Thank you for enabling me to express my views and I urge the Scottish Government to enable the people of Scotland to maximise all possible opportunities to exercise both mental and physical
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