"Grown up conversation"

It was great when Miss Sturgeon announced some weeks ago that she wanted to "have a grown up conversation" and the opportunity given here to comment is appreciated. Perhaps treating people like grownups can now continue so that we can adopt the "Be alert" message. We are not stupid. We understand what it means--be watchful, be careful, don't put others or yourself into danger. Use the historical slogan "Is your journey really necessary?" and then follow it up with "Will I potentially harm others or myself by doing this" We can manage to cope with this.

Why the contribution is important

Primarily for the mental health of many who are becoming fearful of leaving their homes at all.
Secondly to allow businesses that are able to operate to do so
Thirdly to slowly ease off the restrictions that have blighted our lives (for understandable reasons) for the last two months

by AMMAC on May 11, 2020 at 11:17AM

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  • Posted by Jacko May 11, 2020 at 12:31

    “Stay alert, use common sense”. Not a bad motto for life, really...

    It may be anathema to some bossy apparatchiks, but it’s crystal clear to most Scots and as far as anyone should trespass on our ancient liberties.
  • Posted by Gi May 11, 2020 at 12:39

    Be alert is a ridiculous and unclear statement. The Scottish government are right to continue with stay at home.
  • Posted by Davidinverness May 11, 2020 at 12:43

    Perhaps if the scottish government were more alert they would realise that many of the current restrictions could be eased without impacting on the spread of the virus. (Though clearly they dont know what being alert means - as they have said publicly)
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