Guidance notes

The government has published a series of what are described as "guidance notes" on what might be generally described as lockdown provisions
Can someone explain if these are the law and if so how did they become law
My problem is the word guidance has a dictionary meaning which does not indicate compulsion so if the guidance notes are compulsory why call them ".guidance"


Why the contribution is important

To clarify what people should be doing and avoid them breaking the law

by Ronniebonnie1953 on May 09, 2020 at 09:05AM

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  • Posted by Alec_Erskine May 11, 2020 at 17:39

    To add to the confusion, the First Minister often implies that the guidance is more strict than it is. For example, the guidance says you can work if you cannot work from home, whereas the FM says you can only work if your work is essential.
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