Gyms/Leisure Centres

Open gyms and swimming pools on a by appointment restricted number basis for members and by postcode, that is, not travelling a long way to access. So critical for mental and physical health and many struggle to exercise at home. Big venues such as RCP would be easier to socially distance and have a system to stop block booking so everyone has a fair chance of an appointment

Why the contribution is important

Mental health often depends on exercise and away from home. Staff have an opportunity to work in a distanced way.

by FitForPorpoise on May 06, 2020 at 08:46AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.5
Based on: 16 votes


  • Posted by ValODO May 06, 2020 at 09:26

    For people in urban environments, this is a good idea - we don't all have gardens or outdoor green spaces where we are currently permitted to go to. However, employees at gyms and swimming pools would need to be able to police social distancing and hygiene rules. Also the cost of reopening facilities would be high, would not want to see prices increase to use such facilities, perhaps SG should consider some sort of financial package to support?
  • Posted by Margt May 06, 2020 at 09:44

    Many older people who were physically active in initiatives such as `Activage` for the over 55s are no longer taking part in any physical activity which doesn't seem good for their physical or mental wellbeing
  • Posted by camerj May 06, 2020 at 11:31

    100% agree that gyms should be allowed to open on an appointment schedule basis. Apart from a business point, they provide fabulous support mentally to a lot of people and this is so needed at this time.
  • Posted by Pinkucaro May 06, 2020 at 11:55

    Physical activity is so important for our immune system and for many people visiting a gym is an important part of their routine. It is also very important for protecting our heart and cardiovascular system
  • Posted by Jules101 May 06, 2020 at 12:27

    The weather is improving. Other forms of exercise are available, even in urban areas. Walking, running, cycling, etc. What we urgently need are for streets to be opened up for so that safe social distancing for these activities given how little traffic is on the roads.

    It is enlightening to see how much space is taken up by (parked) vehicles and roads. Make this available for all, and we can cope without wasting money on gyms, and squash courts etc.
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