Hand Hygiene

Could we please look at making it compulsory to have hand sanitizer outside all public toilets. This list to includes all bars, restaurants, cafes, hotels,shops and workplaces, schools to be added ASAP. This would allow the majority who do clean their hands, to sanitize our hands after touching the door handles on exit, which I feel can be a source of infection.

Why the contribution is important

There needs to be a wholesale change to the ‘norm’ and I believe this idea would help overall hygiene and disease control.

by Sligayr20 on May 05, 2020 at 01:14PM

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  • Posted by Switchqueen May 05, 2020 at 13:19

    Sounds a good idea. I’d also like to see sanitizer dispensers being at every entrance to schools to cut some of the handwashing. I am a primary teacher and many children were already experiencing sore and chapped hands from washing 6 times a day, plus toilet visits.
  • Posted by Jane May 05, 2020 at 13:25

    Individual and business , public service commitment to exemplary hand hygiene will be essential to mitigating covid-19 and other infectious diseases.

    This must be a key criterion on checklist for reopening and staying open.
  • Posted by mirjanagn May 05, 2020 at 14:17

    This is a necessary criteria for easing any sort of restrictions. Especially in public spaces.
  • Posted by Nalcantara May 05, 2020 at 14:25

    Agree. Better enforcing of bars/ restaurants and all public loos to have soap available. This hasn’t always been brilliant in the past.
  • Posted by BiggGrumperz May 05, 2020 at 15:16

    Love this. If only. Don't see it working in practice. Dispensers will get broken, pinched etc. Just too many selfish people around with limited sense of social responsibility - as we are seeing right now with some cafes re-opening, roads far busier, people not distancing etc
  • Posted by Scott May 05, 2020 at 19:36

    Hand hygiene in airports, railway stations etc... improving the rates of handwashing by travelers could significantly reduce the spread of many infectious diseases.

    "A study in the journal Risk Analysis inspired the idea. As David L. Chandler of MIT News puts it, its authors estimate “that improving the rates of handwashing by travelers passing through just 10 of the world’s leading airports could significantly reduce the spread of many infectious diseases. And the greater the improvement in people’s handwashing habits at airports, the more dramatic the effect on slowing the disease.”

    They estimate that roughly 20 percent of travelers have clean hands. And if that rate could be tripled, they found, the spread of disease could be slowed by nearly 70 percent."

  • Posted by JohnM543 May 07, 2020 at 00:24

    Mandatory hand sanitisation when entering public buildings (supermarkets etc) will be a great improvement.
  • Posted by chachachakt May 07, 2020 at 13:00

    Hand sanitiser to be available at entrance and exit of all shops, businesses, blocks of flats and anywhere else public pass through. Our local Tesco had it one week but not since.
  • Posted by AliK May 08, 2020 at 15:19

    Tha standard of hand hygiene in male toilets is very poor. I've witnessed many men use the facilities then exit without washing hands. Almost all the exit doors have Pullhandles so even those who have washes hands are forced to grasp the dirty handle in order to leave. Why can't toilet doors be hinged to open outwards so they can be pushed open without the need for a handle ? The other option is to have sanitiser positioned immediately on the outside so it can be used after exiting.
  • Posted by WBRnotes May 08, 2020 at 21:17

    I'd add universities to this list.

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